Sunday, 29 November 2015

Let's break our records

November saw 36 jobs advertised on DepList. That's more than one per day. Let's break our December records this Advent. We have more than enough members to go around, so any visitors to this site looking for well qualified and experienced singers, organists, pianists, conductors and choral directors, try placing an advert. If it's your first time of using DepList, there's no charge. If you've used us before, it only costs £2.00 and you'll have your money back if you don't fill the job.

Wednesday, 4 November 2015

Give Me News Please

One year since my last post. We need news. The reason I've not been posting articles is that my leisure time is much more limited these days, and definitely not that DepList is less busy than it was. Quite the reverse in fact. Last month alone saw 52 job adverts pass through, including a couple for Christmas Midnight Mass. A day without a job being advertised through DepList is a rarity indeed, and as Christmas approaches we will be busier than ever.

But we need news. Preferably good news. With images, videos or music. If there's something relevant that you think may interest our members, please use one of our Feedback or Contact buttons. And if you're a Member and you're featured in a gorgeous new choral video on YouTube, please tell me about it. If it's any good, I'll post it here.