Saturday, 1 November 2014

David Trendell, RIP

I was shocked to learn of the recent death of David Trendell, one of DepList's long-standing members. Here is a notice from St Mary's Bourne Street. There are also obituaries in the Telegraph and the Guardian. He was known as an academic and a choral director, but when I first knew him in the early 1990s, it was his wonderful voice that impressed me most. He sang intuitively with, as far as I knew, little voice training and certainly no practice. He had no wish to make a career as singer, yet possessed the kind of voice that many budding opera singers would give anything to have. Looking back through my emails, I found this one from me to him in 2010, which summed up those impressions:

Dear David,

While casting around the Internet for some pleasant music to relieve the tedium of a particularly long spell-checking job on the computer, I stumbled across your contribution to a programme about Rachmaninov's Vespers on "Listen Again". It reminded me of the days when you would stagger into Our Lady of Victories, late, the morning after a very good night out. Your voice would always sound at its best on such occasions: really gravelly and sonorous. I used to comment that if you put your mind to it, you could have been the best Russian bass since Boris Christoff. A pleasure to hear your speaking voice on the radio. Let me know when you're next on the air.

Saturday, 17 May 2014

Another DepList Triumph

On the first day of May, a message was sent to our members which made me very happy. It concerned an advertisement that a choral director had sent out on the previous day at 12.46 p.m. He urgently needed not one, but eight singers, for a funeral that was due to start at 2 p.m. Yes, you read that correctly. He was seeking eight singers for a service commencing in 75 minutes' time.

The adverts casually mentions: "... will tell you music when you're there".

So this is the follow-up message that the choral director kindly sent out on the next day. I've quoted it in full, and when I have a moment to spare I'll put it on our website's feedback page — in a gold frame I think.

Deplist, I salute you, you pulled it out of the bag! 
Remarkably, come 2pm (not a minute earlier, mind), we not only had eight singers, but they were actually of the correct parts.  
Many thanks to all those who rallied round, gave numbers, dropped everything and battled the tube strikes. 
There were 250 in the congregation, and many appreciative comments afterwards. I had to temper my exhilaration at actually having all the singers in order to appear suitably grovellish to my vicar. 
Marvellous stuff, thanks very much.

Monday, 21 April 2014

Special Offer and a Vote of Thanks

DepList is offering free use of its advertising facilities to non-members until the end of April.

This is by way of thanking all our advertisers for their custom during our busy Easter period. 

I'm frankly amazed that DepList continues to be as busy as it is, with a steady stream of jobs being advertised and a regular flow of new members applying to join. We've seen a few potential competitors start up and fall by the wayside over the years, yet we're still here. I'll never be rich on DepList's proceeds, but it gives me huge satisfaction to continue to run this service and see the jobs that come in and get filled. So thank you, everyone, and keep using DepList.

Friday, 3 January 2014

New Mass Setting at Westminster Cathedral

The Music Makers are delighted to announce the Liturgical Première of the 
Westminster Mass for Boys’ Voices
Music by Jeremy de Satgé

to be performed by the
Choristers of Westminster Cathedral Choir
Directed by Martin Baker
at the 5.30pm Mass on Tuesday, 14th January 2014.

You are warmly invited to attend the Mass.

For more information regarding the music please click HERE

Jeremy de Satgé was a long-standing member of DepList. We were very sorry to learn that he died a few weeks after the event publicised above.